Federal Programs » KCS ESSER III Funding Draft Plan

KCS ESSER III Funding Draft Plan

The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III) provides funding to the State of Tennessee and school districts to support COVID-19 recovery.  Kingsport City Schools received $17,075,503.09 in ESSER III funds.  Kingsport City Schools must reserve at least 20 percent of funds to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students’ social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups. 
Kingsport City Schools will submit a detailed plan to the Tennessee Department of Education outlining how it will use ESSER III funding to address student learning needs and provide capital and environmental improvements to support student and staff health and wellness.  To assist in the development of this plan, Kingsport City Schools is seeking feedback from Kingsport families, employees, and community members.  Individuals wishing to provide such feedback are asked to review the plan information below and complete a survey that is linked at the bottom of this webpage.  
Category:  Academic Staffing - Summer Learning Academies (2022, 2023)
  • Description/Details:  Provide staff for summer academic programming, including teachers, instructional assistants, STEM/English Language/counseling, mental and physical health, intervention and special education, and transportation.
  • Proposed Funded Amount:  $756,772.15
Category:  Learning Loss Interventions - School Year (2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24)
  • Description/Details:  Provide interventionists/tutoring (12 staff members for three years), one additional English Language teacher, and interventions supports (products such as IXL, DRA kits, Fountas & Pinnell LLI kits, and IRead).
  • Proposed Funded Amount:  $2,625,000.00
Category:  High-Quality Instructional Materials
  • Description/Details:  Provide instructional materials for student/educator use, including Illustrative Math, Math XL, Spanish resources, BrainPop for English Language learners, Book Club resources K-8, classroom novel replenishment, resources for classroom libraries, Mastery Connect, and Scholastic Reading Inventory.
  • Proposed Funded Amount:  $800,000.00
Category:  Social-Emotional and Physical Health Needs
  • Description/Details:  Provide support for mental, physical, and emotional needs, including contracts for mental health counselors, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) improvements, and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Proposed Funded Amount:  $126,000.00
Category:  Technology
  • Description/Details:  Provide technology hardware and software, including digital learning supports for all students, interactive presentation boards for 6-12 classrooms, system-wide communications supports, and software (Mastery Connect).
  • Proposed Funded Amount:  $734,483.24
Category:  Infrastructure Support
  • Description/Details:  Complete capital improvements to support the healthiest possible learning environments for students and staff, including HVAC, roofing, and other identified physical facility improvements.
  • Proposed Funded Amount:  $12,033,247.70