Beginning with the 2022-2023 school year, a student in the third grade shall not be promoted to the next grade level unless the student is determined to be proficient in English language arts (ELA) based on the student achieving a performance level rating of “met expectations” or “exceeded expectations” on the ELA portion of the student's most recent Tennessee comprehensive assessment program (TCAP) test.
Based on the language of T.C.A. § 49-6-3115 (a), if a 3rd grade student does not take the TCAP or generate a score on the ELA portion of the TCAP and does not qualify for an exemption, the student shall be treated as if the student is not proficient in ELA. Reference the
Promotion and Retention Policy 3.300 here.
Four (4) Performance Levels:
Proficient: |
Not Proficient: |
► Exceeded Expectations (level 4) |
► Approaching Expectations (level 2) |
► Met Expectations (level 3) |
► Below Expectations (level 1) |
► KCS believes that each student’s reading ability should be reflective of more than one measure pulled from a state assessment.
► KCS uses multiple data points and observations to monitor student reading.
► KCS principals, teachers, and staff truly know each student individually and the progress each child is making.
► Most research clearly indicates that retention is often detrimental to children. Instead, it can be clearly linked to greater academic failure and even dropout rates later in life.
► Therefore, KCS believes the decision for retention should be left to the families, teachers, and principals in KCS.
► School attendance every day is critical for all children.
Please contact one of the following Kingsport City Schools employees with questions or concerns: