SPED Links & Resources


Tennessee State Department of Education - Special Education Support

  • Autism Society of East TN (ASA-ETC)
  • The Arc of Tennessee - The TN Department of Education has partnered with The Arc of Tennessee to better support families in becoming more engaged in their child’s special education journey. Check out their website for parent-friendly resources, links to social media, and to request educator training for your district. Click the link here to sign up for the Family Engagement in Special Education quarterly newsletter. 
  • Individual Education Accounts - 2022-23 IEA Account Holder Handbook
  • Notice of Procedural Safeguards - This notice contains a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available to parents and students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Notice of Procedural Safeguards (In Spanish)
  • Special Education Framework Manual - This manual was developed by the Tennessee Department of Education to provide practical guidance and recommendations to local education agencies in the development and implementation of individualized education programs (IEPs) for children with disabilities in Tennessee public schools.
  • Support and Training for Exceptional Parents (STEP-TN) - STEP’s purpose is to ensure that the education of children with disabilities is made more effective by strengthening the role and responsibility of parents and ensuring that families have meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children at home and at school. 1 (800) 280-STEP
  • Tennessee Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE TN) - ABLE TN is a savings program designed to help individuals with disabilities put aside money to pay for qualified expenses. These accounts provide the opportunity to save and invest with tax-free earnings to help participants maintain independence and quality of life. 1 (855) 922-5386 Email: [email protected]
  • TN Disability Pathfinder
  • Transition Tennessee- Transition Tennessee is our state’s online home for training and resources on preparing students with disabilities for life after high school. Learn about best practices and practical strategies for special educators, families, and other transition team members as you fill your toolbox with key tools for success. (615) 741-3834
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VR) - VR provides a variety of individualized services to persons with disabilities in preparation for their employment in the competitive labor market. VR advocates employment outcomes for clients that are consistent with their individual strengths, resources, abilities, capabilities, and informed choice. Pre-employment transition services are available to any student with a disability ages 14-22. (615) 313.4891. 
  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth - WIOA provides services, training, and economic opportunities to allow individuals with disabilities to maximize their employability, independence, and integration into the workplace and the community. For more information on eligibility and WIOA services, contact the closest Local Workforce Development Area near you. 1 (844) 224-581

parent resources for tnready

The Tennessee Department of Education has developed a parent guide to TNReady and supplemental resources to provide additional information regarding the TNReady assessment for students with disabilities.

We encourage you to closely review these resources.