BOE Work Session Notes - February 23, 2017

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a work session on Thursday, February 23, 2017. One key item was discussed:
  • An update on the progress of the new Regional Science and Technology Center, which will be constructed at Dobyns-Bennett High School.
Meeting Audio
Detailed Work Session Notes
Architects from Perkins+Will, led by Mrs. Barbara Crum, provided a detailed update on the Regional Science and Technology Center (RSTC) to be constructed at Dobyns-Bennett, including a review of the design process and recent design recommendations.
  • The overall goals for the Regional Science and Technology Center include:
    • Adding an enhanced science and technology program at D-B, with new/enhanced facilities and programming, while increasing D-B's student capacity.
    • Defining the D-B main entrance.
    • Improving circulation and accessibility at D-B for students and staff.
    • Capitalizing on an opportunity for a new identity for the D-B facility, while maintaining the current design and legacy elements.  
  • Visioning work on the Regional Science and Technology Center began in May 2016 with a session involving D-B staff members, focusing on design and programming.  Key work since that time has included:
    • Conceptual Design and Programming - July 2016
    • Schematic Design - August/September 2016
    • Design Development - November 2016
  • As designed, the new three-story facility will include:
    • 18 science/tech labs
    • Two teacher work spaces
    • Six student work spaces
    • One TEAL (Technology Enhanced Active Learning) lab
    • One large research lab
    • Four small research labs
    • A student cafe 
    • Administrative offices
  • The new facility would raise the D-B capacity to support 2,500 students at 85% utilization.
  • Construction of the new Regional Science and Technology center may begin as early as Fall of 2017, with a potential move-in date in the winter of 2018.
  • To view tonight's full presentation, which includes the current concept and design renderings, click the file below.  *Note that as facility design and branding development continues in the coming months, the preliminary images contained in the presentation below may not match final construction. 
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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