The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 4, 2016. Several key items were discussed, including:
- A presentation about two student reading initiatives at Johnson Elementary;
- A presentation about the D-B YES! Club (Youth Engagement Strategies), a mentoring program involving students at Dobyns-Bennett, Jackson Elementary and Roosevelt Elementary;
- Recognition of four students who earned a perfect score on the 2015 TCAP Writing Assessment;
- Information regarding a calendar adjustment to the end of the 3rd nine weeks and distribution of report cards;
- A resolution in support of appointed superintendents;
- A resolution in opposition of legislation to create a voucher program in Tennessee;
- A resolution in support of establishing a Tennessee Advanced Placement Partnership; and
- An update on the financial state of self-insurance at the end of Year 1.
Please note: Continuing with tonight’s meeting, following the Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance delivered by a KCS student, each meeting will begin with a specific focus on the students and programs of KCS. Reports will be provided by students and staff highlighting student work and achievements, innovative classroom practices, and information of interest to parents. Following the Student/Parent Interest section of the meeting, a short recess will be held prior to the business portion of the agenda. KCS students, parents, and community stakeholders are invited and encouraged to attend!