BOE Meeting Notes - March 3, 2016

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 3, 2016. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • A presentation on the John Sevier Middle School Emergency Preparedness Kits;
  • A review of how on-line draft books are supporting the writing process at Kennedy Elementary School;
  • Recognition of D-B junior Chandler Woods for achieving a perfect score on the ACT; 
  • Approval of a chicken commodities bid for School Nutritional Services;
  • Approval of two policy revisions related to the ability of home school students to take courses at D-B EXCEL;
  • Approval of a property purchase on Overlook Road;
  • Approval of 2015-16 Budget amendment #4;
  • Approval of a bid award for architectural services for the D-B Science and Technology Center;
  • Approval of a lease agreement for the relocation of D-B EXCEL.
Please note: Continuing with tonight’s meeting, following the Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance delivered by a KCS student, each meeting will begin with a specific focus on the students and programs of KCS. Reports will be provided by students and staff highlighting student work and achievements, innovative classroom practices, and information of interest to parents. Following the Student/Parent Interest section of the meeting, a short recess will be held prior to the business portion of the agenda. KCS students, parents, and community stakeholders are invited and encouraged to attend!
Regular Meeting Audio
Detailed Meeting Notes
Call to Order
The Pledge of Allegiance was led tonight by Hannah and Jonathan Wade, students at Kennedy Elementary School.  Hannah, a 3rd grader, and Jonathan, Jr., a 4th grader, are the children of Jonathan and Amanda Wade.
Student Focus Report
John Sevier Middle School Resource Officer Brad Conkin shared information with the Board regarding an emergency preparedness kit initiative, made possible through a collaboration with several community partners.
  • To support teachers and students in times of emergencies, emergency preparedness kits were built for every academic classroom at Sevier.
  • Officer Conkin and Family Liaison Marty Meade spearheaded the project to provide classrooms with basic medical care supplies, in case of extreme need.
  • Each kit contains basic items that may be needed in event of a lockdown or medical emergency.  
    • Kits include such items as step-by-step CPR instructions, water and snacks, a flashlight, medical gloves, bandages, gauze, and other medical supplies.
  • Items for the kits were generously donated by Walmart, P&S Pharmacy, Mac's Medicine Mart, Prairie Farms Dairy, Calvary Baptist Church, and the Sevier Middle School PTSA.
Parent Interest Report
Kennedy Elementary School teachers Mrs. Sarah Dykes (4th grade) and Mrs. Shasta Perhne (5th grade) provided a report on their use of digital draft books and how teachers at Kennedy Elementary School are using technology to enhance the writing process.
  • Digital draftbooks are being used in conjunction with Google Classroom, providing the ability for both students and teachers to collaborate and develop the writing process.
    • Handwriting in draftbooks is still used in classrooms to develop physical writing and communications skills. 
  • Digital draftbooks are accessible at home and revisions and editing can be accomplished through the use of Comments on Google Classroom.
  • For more information about Google Classroom, click here.
Board Vice President Mrs. Susan Lodal recognized Dobyns-Bennett High School junior Jon Chandler Woods, son of John and Melissa Woods, for earning a top composite score of 36 on a recent ACT test.  
  • Less than one-tenth of one percent of all students who take the ACT nationwide earn a perfect score of 36.
  • Chandler is a exemplary student at D-B, succeeding in a rigorous course of study and serving as a D-B Band Drum Major.
Business Items
Mr. David Frye, Chief Finance Officer, reviewed bids for commodity chicken processing for KCS for the 2016-17 school year.  
  • KCS will utilize between 50,000-60,000 pounds of chicken during the 2016-17 school year, facilitated through this bid process.
  • It was recommended that bids by Tyson Prepared Foods (for $65,000) and by Pilgrim's Pride Corporation (for $45,000) both be approved.
  • Funding will be provided from the KCS School Nutrition Services budget.
Following review and consideration, these two bids for commodity chicken processing were approved by a vote of 4-0.
Chief Student Services Officer Mr. Jim Nash and Assistant Superintendent - Administration Mr. Andy True reviewed proposed revisions on two policies related to home school students and their ability to enroll part-time to take coursework at D-B EXCEL.
  • Policy 6.202 - Home Schools, is proposed to be revised to include an exception which allows home school students in grades 9-12 to enroll at Dobyns-Bennett for the sole purpose of obtaining high school credit through the completion of coursework via the D-B EXCEL learning program.
  • Policy 3.400 - Student Transportation Management, is proposed to be revised to add the descriptor "full-time" when defining student eligibility for bus transportation.
  • A revision to Policy 6.202 is proposed to align KCS Board Policy with current TSSAA By-laws regarding the opportunity for home school students to try out for high school athletic teams.
    • TSSAA By-laws state that home school students may try out for athletic teams if they notify the Superintendent of Schools by August 1 of the school year and the school principal by August 15 of the school year.
Following review and consideration, both policy changes were approved on first reading by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. Frye provided information and a proposal regarding a property purchase on Overlook Road.  
  • The property, 2304 Overlook Road, is the last property not owned by KCS on the portion of that street that borders Jefferson Elementary School.
  • Acquisition of the property would allow for future development of plans to improve that section of Overlook Road, including parking improvements.
  • The property owner has accepted an offer for the property of $72,500.
After review and consideration, the Board approved the recommendation to proceed with the purchase of the property by a vote of 4-0.  The purchase is subject to Board of Mayor and Aldermen approval.
Mr. Frye reviewed Budget Amendment #4 for Board consideration.  
  • The amendment relates to funding for the programming and schematic design phase of the Dobyns-Bennett High School Science and Technology Center.
  • Perkins + Will has been selected as the engineering and design firm for this project.  
  • While funding for this project would ultimately come from a proposed Sullivan County Bond issue, temporary funding for the first phase of this work is proposed to come from funds designated for improvements on Overlook Road which will not take place until at least summer of 2017.
    • Future funding from a Sullivan County Bond issuance would then be used to reimburse the Overlook Road project.
After review and consideration, Budget Amendment #4 was approved by a vote of 4-0.
Dr. Ailshie presented the Board with a proposed contract for architectural services with the firm Will + Perkins for renovations and the addition of the new Science and Technology Center at D-B.
  • The contract for programming and schematic design services was reviewed by Dr. Ailshie and City Attorney Mike Billingsley.
After review and consideration, the contract was approved by a vote of 4-0.
Dr. Ailshie, Mr. Frye, and City Attorney Mr. Mike Billingsley presented a proposed lease agreement for the relocation of the D-B EXCEL program to the third floor of The Press Building in downtown Kingsport.
  • The agreement outlines the terms and requirements of the lease, which would provide educational space for DBE.
  • The term of the lease is for 15 years, with purchase options after years one, two, five, and ten.
    • If a purchase option is not executed by year ten, KCS would assume ownership of the space at the end of the 15 year lease through a donation process.
The lease agreement terms were approved by a vote of 4-0, pending final agreement language approval by City Attorney Mike Billingsley.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a work session on Tuesday, March 15 at 6 p.m. The work session will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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