BOE Meeting Notes - August 9, 2022

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2022.  Several key items were discussed, including:
  • Recognition of the "R-Mateys" underwater robotics team;
  • Approval of 2022-23 Budget Amendment #2;
  • Approval of several Board Policies on first reading;
  • Consideration regarding pursuing the purchase of the Colonial Heights Middle School property;
  • Tabling of the adoption of Policy 4.101 on second reading;
  • Review of Board committee assignments for 2022-23; and 
  • A Superintendent's Report to the Board regarding KCS news and information.
Meeting Audio
Detailed Meeting Notes


The Pledge of Allegiance was led this evening by Carter Jones and Elijah Thomas.  Carter and Elijah are 8th grade students at John Sevier Middle School.  Carter is the daughter of Wendell and Lindsay Jones and Elijah is the son of Adam Thomas and Shea Glauer.


Board member Julie Byers presented a recognition to the R'Mateys, the D-B EXCEL underwater robotics team.
  • The team was recognized for their achievements competing as a MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) organization for the 5th year.  
  • MATE provides students authentic STEM opportunities and projects in the context of real-world problems.  
  • At the 2022 Appalachian Highlands regional competition, the R'Mateys won the Engineering Award for the highest scored Technical Report and Engineering Presentation in the Ranger category (high school age).  
  • At the MATE ROV World Championship Competition in Long Beach, CA (June 23-25, 2022), the R-Mateys achieved a personal best score during their competition run for the 2022 season.  
    • Out of 300 teams competing worldwide, only 25 teams advanced to the world championship competition.  Out of those top 25, the R-Mateys placed 11th, which put them in the top 4% of teams in the world.  
  • The team is coached by Erica Gardner, math teacher at D-B EXCEL.

business items

Chief Finance Officer David Frye presented 2022-23 Budget Amendment #2 for consideration.
  • The amendment addresses updated revenue estimates, additional teaching positions, health insurance premiums, the voluntary pre-k program, the Family Resource Center, and a donation.
  • To view the full amendment, click below.
  • After review, the Board approved the Budget Amendment by a vote of 5-0.
Assistant Superintendent - Administration Dr. Andy True presented several policies for consideration on first reading.
  • These policies were presented for initial review at the July Board work session:
    • 1.805 - Use of Electronic Mail (email) (revised)
    • 1.806 - Advertising and Distribution of Materials in the Schools (new)
    • 6.304 - Student Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyber-bullying and Intimidation (revised)
    • 6.318 - Adoption of Suspended or Expelled Students (new)
    • 6.319 - Alternative School Programs (revised)
  • After review, the Board approved the presented policies on first reading by a vote of 5-0.
Superintendent Dr. Jeff Moorhouse provided information to the Board regarding the bid process being utilized by Sullivan County to sell the Colonial Heights Middle School property.
  • Dr. Moorhouse shared information gathered from a previous Sullivan County School Board meeting, that the property will be auctioned via an online bidding process with a minimum bid of $2 million.
  • After discussion, the Board voted 5-0 that Board members would advise the Superintendent on an individual basis as to their desire to pursue bidding on the property, and if a consensus exists, for Dr. Moorhouse to engage City of Kingsport leadership regarding that desire.  
Board member Todd Golden request Policy 4.101 - Instructional Standards be pulled from the Consent Agenda, where it was presented for approval on 2nd reading.
  • Mr. Golden requested a revision to the model/proposed policy to include (additional requested wording in italics):
    • All curriculum and instructional programming implemented in the school district shall adhere to state and federal laws. District employees shall not include or promote any concepts that would violate state law when providing instruction, using instructional or supplemental materials, or when implementing the instructional program curriculum and shall not create, facilitate or engage in classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity.
    • The request was tabled so that additional research could be done regarding the proposed revision.  Dr. True will seek additional information and report back to the Board at its August work session.


Board President Melissa Woods reviewed the Board committee assignments for the 2022-23 year.
  • Click below to view this year's committee assignments.
During his Superintendent's Report, Dr. Moorhouse provided an update to the Board regarding the status of the Buck Van Huss Dome at Dobyns-Bennett High School.
  • Out of caution, the decision was made late Friday to close operations in the dome. This was done as a precautionary safety measure while additional information was sought regarding the results of recent testing of the dome roof structure.  Such proactive testing was requested as a part of the D-B roofing project.
  • In-school activities are currently being relocated to other areas of the D-B campus and planning is occurring regarding athletics programming.
  • Decisions regarding next steps will be made once additional data is received regarding the structure.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a called meeting and work session on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 6 p.m.  The work session will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
For more information on KCS, visit, listen live on WCSK 90.3 FM, The Voice of KCS, read our blog, We Are KCS, download our mobile app for Apple/Android devices or call (423) 378.2100. We’re social too; follow us on Facebook (Kingsport City Schools), Instagram (@kcs_district), Twitter (@KCS_District), LinkedIn (Kingsport City Schools), and check out our YouTube Channel (KPTSchools).