BOE Meeting Notes - February 8, 2018

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 8, 2018. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • An update on the Dobyns-Bennett Science and Technology Center construction project; 
  • Recognition of Dobyns-Bennett teacher Theresa Fuller for achieving National Board Certified status;
  • Consideration and approval of one KCS teacher for tenure;
  • Consideration and approval of 2017-18 Budget Amendment #3, involving funding for the D-B track improvement project;
  • Consideration and approval of awarding a bid for the D-B track improvement project;
  • Consideration and approval of new and revised policies;
  • Consideration and approval of a professional services agreement for architectural work related to a roof replacement at Johnson Elementary;
  • A report and recommendation from the middle school branding committee; and
  • A quarterly Financial Report.
Tonight's reports and recognitions were broadcast live on the KCS Facebook Page! Click here to view the video from tonight's meeting.
Meeting Audio
Detailed Meeting Notes


The Pledge of Allegiance was led this evening by Jefferson Elementary students Emma Rose and DeQuane Stafford, Jr.  Emma is in 2nd grade and is the daughter of Curt and Jenny Rose.  DeQuane is in Kindergarten and is the son of Krystal McIver and DeQuane Stafford, Sr.


Dr. Randy Watts, Assistant Principal at Dobyns-Bennett high School, provided a status report on the D-B Science and Technology Center construction project.

  • BurWill Construction was approved as the project contractor in early October, 2017, with construction officially beginning during the winter break between semesters.
  • Work completed to date includes excavation and demolition on both the east and west sides of the building, preparation for concrete footings, and beginning stages of utility installation.
  • Major construction in the coming weeks will include continued utility installation, underpinning of the existing foundation, and the pouring of footers.
  • Regarding the curriculum and instruction that will be possible in the new facility, work continues to develop the courses that will be taught and the methodologies that will be utilized.  A three-dimensional approach to instruction, incorporating Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI), Cross-Cutting Concepts (CCC), and Science and  Engineering Practices (SEP), is planned.  
  • To get the latest information about this construction project, go to the project webpage by clicking here or follow us on Twitter @KCS_RSTC.


Board Vice-President Dr. Karen Reed-Wright recognized D-B math teacher Mrs. Theresa Fuller for being designated a National Board Certified Teacher. 
  • Mrs. Fuller, a third-year teacher with Kingsport City Schools, is one of 20 Tennessee educators who are part of a group of 5,470 new Board Certified teachers from the United States.
  • National Board Certification was created by teachers and for teachers to incorporate national professional teaching standards and the surrounding body of knowledge of what teachers should know and be able to do.
  • Nationally, there are more than 118,000 Board Certified teachers who have earned the profession's highest mark of achievement through a rigorous, performance-based, peer-review process, demonstrating their proven impact on student learning and achievement.
Board President Susan Lodal recognized Dr. Dwain Arnold for his service as Interim Superintendent during the time of leadership transition for KCS.
  • Dr. Arnold assumed the district leadership role following the resignation of Dr. Lyle Ailshie and led the district until the arrival of Dr. Jeff Moorhouse on February 2, 2018.


Mrs. Jennifer Guthrie, Chief Human Resources Officer, reported that one additional KCS teacher has met the requirements for tenure and Board approval was recommended to finalize this classification.  
  • This teacher joins fifty-eight others who were recommended for tenure at the January 9, 2018 Board meeting.
  • Following review and consideration, the Board voted 5-0 to approve tenure for the recommended eligible educator, Charla Taylor.
Chief Finance Officer Mr. David Frye reviewed Budget Amendment #3 for Board consideration.  This amendment involves funding for improvements to the track facility at Dobyns-Bennett High School.
  • The revised current estimate for this project is $1,010,000 which includes the base bid, alternates one and two, architect fees, and a 6% contingency.
  • With currently appropriated funding for the project of $925,000, it was recommended to transfer $85,000 from the General Purpose School Fund's Unreserved Fund Balance to the track improvement project.
  • Following review and consideration, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the fund transfer.
Mr. Frye reviewed the bids received for the D-B track improvement project.  Multiple bids were received with the low bid coming from Baseline Sports Construction, Inc.
  • It was recommended to award the bid for improvements to the track to Baseline Sports Construction, Inc. in the amount of $931,382 with an established contingency of $55,883.
  • Three alternates were proposed and it was recommended that alternates one and two (fencing and long jump pits) be accepted.  It was recommended that alternate three (placing track material in part of the infield and establishing high jump pits) be rejected.
  • Following review and consideration, the Board voted 5-0 to award the bid for track improvements to Baseline Sports Construction, Inc. in the amount of $931,382 with a contingency of $55,883.
Board Member Mr. Todd Golden and Andy True, Assistant Superintendent - Administration, reviewed three new policies and revisions to three existing policies for Board consideration.
  • Policy 3.300 - Equipment and Supplies Management is an existing policy revised to replace a reference to the No Child Left Behind act with a reference to the Every Student Succeeds Act.
  • Policy 4.502 - Parental and Family Involvement is an existing policy revised to replace a reference to the No Child Left Behind act with a reference to the Every Student Succeeds Act.
  • Policy 5.118 - Background Investigations is a new policy to comply with state law which requires criminal history background checks and fingerprinting of applicants (teachers and staff working in proximity of children) to ensure safety and welfare of students and staff.
  • Policy 5.200 - Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers is a revised policy to comply with state law regarding the number of days retired educators can substitute in the classroom without loss of retirement benefits.
  • Policy 5.201 - Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers is a new policy to comply with state law regarding the number of days retired educators can substitute in the classroom without loss of retirement benefits.
  • Policy 5.203 - Recommendations and File Transfers is a new policy to comply with state law regarding what assistance an LEA may and may not give an employee or contractor in obtaining a new position, if there is probably cause to believe the applicant has been involved in sexual misconduct.
After review and consideration, the Board voted 5-0 to approve each policy on First Reading. The new policies (5.118, 5.201, and 5.203) will now be considered on Second and Final Reading at the March Board meeting.  Other policies in Section 5 - Personnel (policies 5.100 - 5.205) of the KCS Policy Manual were affirmed with no changes on tonight's meeting Consent Agenda as part of the Board's biennial policy review.
The Board considered a recommendation for approval of a professional services agreement related to the replacement of the roof at Johnson Elementary School.
  • The agreement for a fixed fee of $19,500 is for architectural services by James F. Wright for the replacement of the roof.
  • Current plans call for the replacement work to occur in the Summer of 2018.
  • Dependent on available funds, a full replacement or partial replacement of the roof is expected to take place.
  • After discussion and review, the agreement was approved by a vote of 4-0.
    • Dr. Karen Reed-Wright recused herself from the discussion and vote on this item.


Assistant Superintendent - Administration Mr. Andy True reviewed results from a recent stakeholder survey seeking input regarding middle school branding.  A community committee sought this information as a part of their charge to provide a recommendation to the Board on long-term middle school names, mascots, and school colors.  Board Vice President and Chair of the branding committee Dr. Karen Reed-Wright, along with committee co-chairs Mrs. Nancy Gamble and Mrs. Candee McGuire reported on the work of the committee and subsequent recommendation.
  • Surveys were sent to both KCS middle schools and to the community at-large in late 2017 seeking feedback regarding the long-term naming and branding of KCS middle schools.
  • The student survey results included 916 individual responses, with the community survey reflecting 1,181 responses.  Feedback was received from KCS students, parents and employees, Kingsport residents, and many not affiliated with Kingsport or KCS in any reported way.
  • Based on their review and analysis of the results, the community committee is recommending to the Board that when the transition to the new middle school location occurs (utilizing Robinson Middle School and the current Sullivan North High School as the two KCS middle schools), the names, mascots, and colors of the current KCS middle schools should remain.
  • The Board received the report tonight and will now use it in future considerations regarding final decisions related facilities naming.  These discussions are expected to continue at the annual Board retreat in Summer 2018. 
Mr. Frye provided the financial update for the 2nd quarter of FY 2017-18.
  • Expenditures at the halfway point of the FY are roughly 42% of the budget, which is in line with estimates.
  • Reimbursement for ROTC instructors are only funding one instructor and Mr. Frye is following up to determine what is causing this and when it will be resolved.
  • BEP funds received to-date are exactly 50% of the final allocation amount estimates.  KCS has been notified that the final July amount received was under-calculated by $167,000.  As of now, the BEP allocation has a net increase of $96,000 over the initial estimate.  It is also anticipated that KCS will receive BEP growth funds again this year, since the early year attendance reports show an increase of 2.5% over last year. 
  • Revenue from the County is expected to be less than original 2nd quarter estimates by about $2,000,000, some of which will likely be offset by BEP growth funds and a positive ADA adjustment. Any additional amount needed to offset this shortfall will come from the Unreserved Fund Balance.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a Work Session on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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