BOE Meeting Notes - May 10, 2021

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, May 10, 2021.  Several key items were discussed, including:
  • A community interest report on the Johnson Elementary School Garden Club;
  • Recognition of D-B EXCEL Freshman Rylee Adams, the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN) 2020-21 Statewide Design Challenge Winner at the high school level;
  • A variety of business items:
    • Approval of a teacher tenure recommendation;
    • Approval of a request to apply for an Innovative High School Model grant;
    • Approval of a request to apply for a Perkins Reserve grant;
    • Postponing applying to the Tennessee Department of Education for a separate school number for a KCS virtual school for the 2021-22 school year;
    • Approval to accept a donation of an air filtration system to be used in KCS;
    • Approval to award a bid to purchase a new regular education school bus;
    • Approval to award a bid to construct a roundabout on Legion Drive (in front of Dobyns-Bennett);
    • Approval to award a bid for repairs/upgrades to the tennis courts at Dobyns-Bennett;
    • Approval to award a bid for paving/parking lot improvements at the Dobyns-Bennett bus drop-off area;
    • Approval of 2020-21 Budget Amendment #4; 
    • Approval of the 2021-22 KCS Budget;
  • Reports:
    • Presentation of the 2020-21 KCS 3rd Quarter financial review; and
    • Review of KCS summer health and safety protocols.
Meeting Audio
Detailed Meeting Notes


The Pledge of Allegiance was led this evening by John Adams Elementary School students Ellie, Sullivan, and Campbell Parks.  Ellie and Sullivan are in the first grade and Campbell is in the third grade. 

Community Interest Report

Members of the Johnson Elementary School Garden Club presented a community interest report to the Board.
  • The mission of the club is to, on Johnson grounds, make the school and community a cleaner and greener place by leadership and courage.
  • Students used synergy skills to rebuild garden beds and care for them.
  • 1st grade teacher Hannah Hughes and kindergarten teacher Lacy Hughes are sponsors of the club.


Board member Eric Hyche recognized D-B EXCEL Freshman Rylee Adams, the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN) 2020-21 Statewide Design Challenge Winner at the high school level.
  • The 2020-2021 Student Design Challenge encourages Tennessee students to design a business plan and pitch for a social enterprise.
  • Rylee's social enterprise was named "Privacy, Please!"  Her product, the Peep No Mo', is a prototype for a portable Stall Gap Cover to protect one's privacy and safety while using public restrooms.
  • Social enterprises are businesses that are changing the world for the better.  Like a traditional business, they aim to make a profit, but it's what they do with their profits that sets them apart – reinvesting or donating them to create positive social change.
  • For more information, please visit

business items

Jennifer Guthrie, Chief Human Resource Officer, presented a tenure recommendation to the Board.
  • Roosevelt Elementary teacher Jason Baker has met the requirements for tenure and Board approval is recommended.
  • By a vote of 5-0, the board approved the recommendation for Mr. Baker to receive tenure.
Dr. Brian Cinnamon, Chief Academic Officer - Secondary, and Dr. Bo Shadden, Dobyns-Bennett Career and Technical Education Director, requested Board approval to apply for an Innovative High School Model grant through the Tennessee Department of Education.
  • The grant would provide funding to create an on-campus paid pre-apprenticeship for approximately 20-25 students in the first year in two programs of study:  An Advanced Manufacturing strand and a Logistics/Supply Chain Management strand.  
  • KCS would partner with the Kingsport Chamber of Commerce, a local industry (currently being identified), and higher education partners such as East Tennessee State University, Northeast State Community College, and TCAT - Elizabethton, to add vertical alignment to the program.
Dr. Cinnamon and Dr. Shadden also sought approval to apply for a Perkins Reserve grant.
  • The grant, in the amount of $50,000, would fund a Skills Boss Logistics trainer - D-B package sorting simulator (click below for a visual of the sorting simulator).
  • After review and discussion, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the request to apply for both grants.
Dr. Rhonda Stringham, Assistant Superintendent - Instruction, presented a recommendation regarding a potential application to apply to the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) for a separate school number for a KCS virtual school for the 2021-22 school year.
  • After evaluation, the KCS administrative recommendation is to postpone applying to the TDOE for a separate school number for the 2021-22 school year.
  • Throughout the fall and early spring of 2021-22, KCS staff will continue to carefully evaluate all considerations including costs, logistics, and needs for a virtual school or program for the 2022-23 school year.
  • As there has never been a previous Board action pursuing a separate school number, no formal action is required this evening regarding the recommendation to postpone applying to the TDOE for a separate school number for a virtual school for the 2021-22 school year.
David Frye, Chief Finance Officer, presented a recommendation to accept a donation of an air filtration system for use in KCS schools.
  • The donation is of an AirV2 plug-and-operate air filtration system valued at an estimated $3,000, for the unrestricted use by KCS.
  • After discussion, the Board voted 4-0 (Welch abstaining) to accept the donation.
Mr. Frye requested approval of a bid for the purchase of a new regular education 72-passenger school bus.
  • The low bid for the bus purchase was from Central States Bus Sales, Inc. for $112,024. 
  • Funding for the purchase was approved by the Board in Budget Amendment #3 at the April 13, 2021 meeting.
  • After review, the Board approved awarding the bid to Central States Bus Sales, Inc. by a vote of 5-0. 
Mr. Frye presented a request to approve a contract for the construction of a roundabout on Legion Drive (in front of the D-B Nancy Pridemore Theater).
  • The single submitted bid was from Summers-Taylor, Inc. for a cost of $186,391.50 plus architect fee and contingency.  The project is to be funded from the Schools Future Capital Improvements project.
  • The project will finish and make permanent the temporary roundabout being utilized in front of the theater since the completion of the D-B Science and Technology addition in 2019 (currently defined by large orange jersey barriers).
  • By a vote of 5-0, the Board awarded the construction contract to Summers-Taylor, Inc.
Mr. Frye presented a request to approve the awarding of a contract for repairs and upgrades to the Dobyns-Bennett tennis courts.
  • The low bid for the project was submitted by Holm Court, LLC for the amount of $131,625 plus contingency.
  • The scope of the project is to provide needed repair and resurfacing of the courts and to install new fencing.
  • The Board approved the awarding of a contract to Holm Court, LLC by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Frye presented a request to approve a construction contract to complete repairs and repaving of the bus drop-off area at Dobyns-Bennett High School.
  • The area (near the D-B cafeteria where KCS buses unload and load each day, as well as in the adjacent parking area) is in need of repair due to significant damaged asphalt.
  • The one bid received to complete the project was submitted by Summers-Taylor, Inc. in the amount of $89,272 plus architect fee and contingency.  
  • After review and discussion, the Board approved awarding the contract to Summers-Taylor, Inc. by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Frye presented KCS FY 2020-21 Budget Amendment #4 for review and approval.
  • The amendment includes multiple items, including:
    • Tennessee Arts Commission grants;
    • D-B renovation funds;
    • Cora Cox donations;
    • Learning camps;
    • Miscellaneous transfers; and 
    • Revisions to the School Special Projects Fund and Capital Projects Fund.
  • After review, the Board voted 5-0 to approve Budget Amendment #4.
David Frye presented a report on the proposed 2021-22 KCS Budget for review and approval.
  • Components of the budget proposal included:
    • Overall, revenues are estimated to be $81,234,400.
    • Amount designated in the 2021-22 Budget for salary improvements = $1,338,200:
      • Certified staff:  $946,600
      • Classified staff:  $391,600.
    • Budgeted salary improvements:  For classified employees, annual step increases and a 2% cost of living adjustment.  For certified employees, annual step increases and for teachers whose current step is below their years of experience, 1/4 the number of steps needed to eliminate the differential.
    • One new personnel position (a maintenance position with the addition of the Sullivan North facility).
    • Other various increases due to increased costs associated with insurance, coaching supplements, classified employee market adjustments, technology, maintenance, utilities, debt service, trustees commission, grounds maintenance, and insurance/risk management.
    • Funding from the City of Kingsport for operations is the same as in 2020-21.  The amount for debt service has decreased by $510,500.
    • To view the full presentation listing specific revenues and expenditures, click below.
  • Following the presentation and review, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the FY2021-22 Budget as presented.  The Budget will now proceed to the Kingsport Board of Mayor and Aldermen on Thursday, May 13 for consideration and approval.


Mr. Frye presented the 3rd Quarter Financial Report to the Board.
  • As of March 31, 2021, overall expenditures are at 66% of budget, which is in line for this time of year. 
  • Click below to view the full update to the Board.
During tonight's Superintendent's Report, Dr. Moorhouse discussed KCS health and safety.  With the currently implemented "Kingsport City Schools Operations Manual - Framework for Opening the 2020-21 School Year" coming to a close with the end of the 2020-21 school year, guidance regarding potential summer health and safety procedures have been under consideration.  
Tonight, Dr. Moorhouse presented a set of such summer protocols to the Board.  Key components of the health and safety protocols for the summer include:
  • General District-Wide Procedures:
    • All individuals should utilize social distancing measures whenever possible.
    • Students, staff, and visitors are recommended, but not required, to appropriately wear face masks while indoors.
    • Regular use of hand sanitizer and hand washing will take place.
Click here to view the summer protocols, which also include guidance regarding health screenings, visitors, procedures for responding to a positive COVID-19 test among students and staff, dining procedures, cleaning procedures, procedures for athletic events, and procedures for busing and student transportation.  NOTE:  Health and safety protocols not addressed in the document will be governed by standard (pre-COVID-19) KCS operational procedures.  Any information regarding Fall 2021 will be determined at a later time.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be the June business meeting on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).  The regular May work session has been cancelled. 
For more information on KCS, visit, listen live on WCSK 90.3 FM, The Voice of KCS, download our mobile app for Apple/Android devices or call (423) 378.2100. We’re social too; follow us on Facebook (Kingsport City Schools), Twitter (@KCS_District), Instagram (@kcs_district), LinkedIn (Kingsport City Schools), and check out our YouTube Channel (KPTSchools).