BOE Meeting Notes - July 14, 2020

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2020.  Several key items were discussed, including:
  • An adjustment to the length of Superintendent Dr. Jeff Moorhouse's employment contract;
  • Approval of the Community Eligibility Provision, which provides free meals for all students at five Title I schools;
  • Approval of an addendum to the substitute staffing service agreement utilized by KCS;
  • Approval of an agreement regarding beverage rights throughout KCS;
  • Approval of a tele-health services agreement, providing virtual healthcare for KCS students and staff;
  • Review and approval of a new start/end-time for KCS elementary schools; and 
  • Approval of a revision to the KCS 2020-21 school calendar, making Friday, August 14, 2020 a staff professional development in-service day (no students attending).
Meeting Audio
Detailed Meeting Notes


The Pledge of Allegiance was led this evening by Andy True, KCS Assistant Superintendent - Administration. 
Per Board Policy 1.2021 - Boardsmanship Code of Conduct, the Board read aloud the code of ethics outlined in the policy (this occurs annually).  The policy outlines:
  • ARTICLE I - My Relations to the Children
  • ARTICLE II - My Relations to My Community
  • ARTICLE III - My Relations to Teachers and Personnel
  • ARTICLE IV - My Relations with Other Board Members
  • ARTICLE V - My Relations with the Superintendent of Schools
  • ARTICLE VI - My Relations with Myself

business items

KCS Board President Jim Welch and Board Member Carrie Upshaw presented information regarding a potential revision to the contract of Superintendent Dr. Jeff Moorhouse.
  •  Dr. Moorhouse's initial contract began on January 23, 2018 and was amended on April 1, 2019.  The current contract runs through March 31, 2023.
  • A survey of KCS employees took place in early 2020 as a part of Dr. Moorhouse's Board evaluation.
    • The survey reviewed six areas, with results posted below.
  • After review of the evaluation, the proposal was made to amend the contract to extend the length of the agreement through March 31, 2025.
  • After discussion, the Board approved the revised contract agreement by a vote of 4-0 (Golden absent).
Jennifer Walker, KCS Supervisor of School Nutrition Services, presented a recommendation to continue the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) feeding program beginning in 2020-21 for five Title schools throughout KCS.
  • The program provides free meals to all enrolled students in the KCS Title schools regardless of economic status.
  • Schools included in the proposal are: Lincoln Elementary, Jackson Elementary, Kennedy Elementary, Roosevelt Elementary, and Sevier Middle.
    • Though included in the previous CEP program, Johnson Elementary is no longer eligible for the program, as it is no longer a Title school.
  • After review, the Board approved the proposed CEP program by a vote of 4-0.
Jennifer Guthrie, Chief Human Resource Officer, presented an addendum to the Substitute Staffing Agreement between KCS and ESS, LLC.
  • KCS contracts with ESS to facilitate the staffing of substitute teachers across KCS schools.
  • The addendum includes the addition of additional positions needed by KCS to fulfill COVID-19 needs.
    • Additional needed positions include bus attendants, morning assistants, custodians, and school nutrition workers.
  • After review, the addendum was approved by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. Frye presented a proposed contract with PepsiCo for consideration.
  • The proposed agreement would cover beverage pouring rights and advertising partnerships for a variety of Pepsi products for eleven KCS schools.
  • The proposed agreement is for three years, expiring on June 30, 2023.
  • After review, the Board approved the agreement by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. Frye presented a proposed agreement to provide telehealth services to KCS students and staff.
  • The proposed agreement with Blue Ridge Medical Management Corporation (DBA Niswonger Virtual Health) would provide for virtual medical visits with a nurse practitioner on-site at identified schools between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Patients or their responsible payors will be billed by BRMCC using standard billing practices for medical services.  
  • There is no cost to KCS for these services.
  • Following a discussion, the Board approved the proposed agreement by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. True presented a proposed adjustment to the elementary school schedule, moving the elementary school day to 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. beginning with the 2020-21 school year.
  • The proposed 15-minute shift is for multiple reasons:
    • With middle/high school bus runs taking place just prior to the elementary runs, the 15 minutes provides additional time needed for student temperature checks and bus cleaning between runs due to COVID-19 disinfecting.
    • In the morning, elementary bus riders would arrive at school with additional time before the start of school for breakfast, creating a smoother opening transition for all elementary students.
    • Regarding afternoon bus transportation, the 15 minutes will also mean elementary students will have less wait-time between the end of the instructional day and when buses arrive for student transportation home.
  • After review and discussion, the Board approved setting the KCS elementary school day from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. True presented a proposed revision to the 2020-21 KCS Calendar to the Board for consideration.
  • Due to the situation regarding COVID-19 and to allow for teachers and staff to best meet the needs of students, KCS is proposing that Friday, August 14, 2020 be changed from a student-attendance day to a staff professional learning day (no students present).
  • The added professional development in-service day would provide staff the opportunity to assess the current student learning environment after two weeks of school, plan for, and make any needed adjustments after having been in school for two weeks. 
  • No other changes to the calendar are necessary to provide for this extra professional learning day, based on the fact that KCS "banks" an extra 30 minutes per-day beyond the minimum state requirements.  This banked time can be used for additional professional development for staff.
  • After review, the Board approved the calendar revision by a vote of 4-0.  


Following the business items, Dr. Moorhouse presented the district year-end report to the Board. 
  • The report covers a variety of information and data related to school and district outcomes.
  • Click below to view the full year-end report.
Dr. Moorhouse also presented details of the KCS reopening plan to the Board, which included:
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a work session on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 6 p.m.  The meetings will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
For more information on KCS, visit, listen live on WCSK 90.3 FM, The Voice of KCS, download our mobile app for Apple/Android devices or call (423) 378.2100. We’re social too; follow us on Facebook (Kingsport City Schools), Twitter (@KCS_District), Instagram (@kcs_district), LinkedIn (Kingsport City Schools), and check out our YouTube Channel (KPTSchools).