BOE Work Session Notes - January 25, 2022

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a work session on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • The process to be utilized during the Superintendent's annual evaluation;
  • Public input regarding Sevier Middle School colors;
  • Recognition of the Kingsport Board of Education during School Board Appreciation Week;
  • Sevier Middle School colors;
  • A report on social and emotional learning in KCS;
  • Classified pay scales;
  • The Kingsport City Schools Annual Report; and
  • Rescheduling of an upcoming Board meeting.
Work Session Audio
Detailed Work Session Notes
The Board began the work session by discussing the process to be utilized during the upcoming Superintendent annual evaluation.
  • At the January Board meeting, the Board elected to enter into an agreement with an outside consultant to assist in facilitating the evaluation.
    • Dr. James Hutto with Impact Education Group will be the individual to lead this work, along with colleague Scott Lewis.  Dr. Hutto and Mr. Lewis were present electronically to meet with the Board and discuss the parameters to be utilized. 
    • Information will be gathered in areas such as communication, visioning, and goal setting through methods such as interviews and site visits. 
    • Dr. Hutto and Mr. Lewis will be working to complete their information gathering process for the Board prior to March 4, 2022.
The Board accepted public comment on agenda items.
  • One individual spoke to the Board regarding the school colors of John Sevier Middle School, speaking in favor of including elements of the Sullivan North school colors when the move occurs.
Dr. Andy True, Assistant Superintendent - Administration, presented an appreciation to the Board in celebration of Tennessee School Board Appreciation Week.
  • School Board Appreciation Week in Tennessee is Jan. 23-29, 2022.
  • School Board Appreciation Week is a chance for the community to thank Board members for their unselfish giving of time and service to the community.
  • Board members received a small gift on behalf of the district, and will be featured throughout the week across the KCS social media platforms.
  • Dr. True read a proclamation by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee in recognition of the Board members.
  • Additionally, in honor of the Board members, books are being donated to KCS school libraries on their behalf. 
Board Vice President Julie Byers led a discussion regarding school colors for Sevier Middle School.
  • General comments from the board included:
    • Mrs. Byers began the discussion by speaking in favor of adding "a splash of gold" to the colors of Sevier Middle School.
    • Mrs. Woods discussed the desire to allow the issue to remain a school-level decision.  
    • Mr. Welch expressed a belief that school colors should be a school-level decision, if a change was desired.
    • Dr. Fletcher discussed having sought community input, with the response being in favor of retaining the current colors.
    • Mr. Golden expressed a view that colors remain a school decision.
Johanna Montgomery, KCS Coordinator of Coordinated School Health, Dr. Rhonda Stringham, Assistant Superintendent - Instruction, and Jim Nash, Chief Student Services Officer, presented a report on social and emotional learning efforts across KCS.
  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. It is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
  • Click below to view the full SEL presentation from this evening.
Jennifer Guthrie, Chief Human Resource Officer, provided information regarding the current KCS classified pay scale.
  • The classified pay scale has been identified as a primary focus area for the upcoming KCS Budget.
  • Desired revisions include cost of living and market adjustments. 
  • Levels of adjustment will be determined through the budget creation process, involving data review and market comparison points.
  • Additional conversation among the Board included the need for more substitute teachers to assist in maintaining in-person instruction during challenging staffing environments.  
Marybeth McLain, Communications Editor, and Dr. True presented a review of the upcoming KCS Annual Report.
  • The Annual Report reviews the 2020-21 school year.
  • For the 10th year, the Annual Report will be presented in a calendar form, allowing the information to remain available and "active" to KCS stakeholders for the entire year.
  • The Annual Report is currently at the printer and will be mailed directly to KCS families.
The Board reviewed a change to the upcoming meeting/work session calendar.
  • The Board sessions in February will be "flipped," with:
    • The Work Session taking place on February 8th (originally scheduled for February 22nd).
    • The Regular Meeting taking place on February 22nd (originally scheduled for February 8th).
The next work session of the Board of Education will be on Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 6 p.m.  The work session will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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