The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a work session and its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. Several key items were discussed, including:
- Work Session:
- Recognition of the student who created the artwork selected for the 2021 KCS Christmas card;
- Recognition of the Dobyns-Bennett High School students who earned a perfect score on their recent Advanced Placement (AP) exam;
- Recognition of the students and educators of George Washington Elementary School for receiving the Tennessee STEM School designation for 2021;
- The process to be used for the annual superintendent evaluation;
- Drug use prevention in schools; and
- An overview of the biennial policy review and approval process.
- Regular Meeting:
- Approval of the ESSER 3.0 spending plan;
- Approval of Fall 2021 End-of-Course grade calculations;
- Approval of several Board policies on first reading;
- Approval of a bid award for re-roofing at Dobyns-Bennett High School;
- Approval of a technology purchase of smart LED-LCD TVs;
- Approval of a blanket order for substitute staffing services for the district;
- Approval of 2021-22 Budget Amendment #3; and
- A review of the 2022-23 Budget process timeline.
Detailed Work Session and Meeting Notes
The Pledge of Allegiance was led this evening by Alexis and Isabella Garcia and Kamille and Kw'shawn Watterson. Alexis (5th grade), Isabella (Kindergarten), Kamille (1st grade), and Kw'shawn (5th grade) are students at Jackson Elementary School.
Dr. Jeff Moorhouse recognized Erica Mahon for having her artwork selected as the cover to the 2021 KCS Christmas card.
- Erica is an 8th grader at Robinson Middle School and a student in Ms. Erin Prindle's art class.
Board Vice President Julie Byers recognized Dobyns-Bennett students who have earned a perfect score on their Advanced Placement (AP) exam in Spring 2021.
- The students receiving a perfect score were Jackson Osterhus and Chandni Bhat.
- Chandni, a 2021 D-B graduate and current freshman at University of Alabama, was one of only 375 students in the world to earn every point possible on the AP Research Exam.
- Jackson, currently a junior at D-B, was one of only 356 students in the world to earn every point possible on the AP Computer Science A Exam.
Board Member Dr. Brandon Fletcher recognized the educators of George Washington Elementary School for receiving the Tennessee STEM School designation for 2021. Principal Heather Wolf and a team of Washington educators were present to receive the recognition.
This honor was developed in 2018 with the guidance of the Tennessee Department of Education and the STEM Leadership Council to identify and recognize schools in their commitment to teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and integrating strategies that ultimately prepare for success in the 21st century.
Washington Elementary is one of 13 schools in Tennessee to receive the designation this year.
The designation lasts through 2026, includes a banner displayed at the school, and a $10,000 grant from Governor Lee's Future Workforce Initiative.
Board President Jim Welch led a discussion regarding the annual evaluation of Dr. Jeff Moorhouse.
- The Board conducts an annual evaluation of the superintendent.
- The process is overseen by Board President Jim Welch and Vice President Julie Byers.
- Mr. Welch discussed the need and desire for a professional evaluation process, focusing on standards and measures, as well as feedback. The suggestion was discussed regarding involving a third-party to help advise and facilitate the evaluation process.
- A final decision on process will be discussed at the January Board meeting.
Board Vice President Julie Byers led a discussion regarding drug prevention curriculum and how the issue of drug prevention is supported in KCS schools.
- Assistant Superintendent - Instruction Dr. Rhonda Stringham reviewed how such issues are addressed in schools, including work done by KCS counselors and physical education teachers.
- KCS has also been an active member of AveNew, a regional coalition that supports and addresses drug prevention across northeast Tennessee.
Assistant Superintendent - Administration Dr. Andy True provided a review of the required biennial policy approval process to the Board.
- Per state law and KCS Board Policy 1.600, the Board is required to review the KCS Policy Manual every two years.
- KCS Policy work is supported by the Tennessee School Boards Association, which provides legal guidance, policy review, and model policy language to KCS throughout the year. Such guidance informs KCS as to required policy revisions based on changes to state law and/or Tennessee Board of Education rules and regulations.
- As a part of the required process, the Board renews/affirms the policies currently approved every two years. This will take place as a part of the January Board meeting.
The revised Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) 3.0 spending plan was presented for review and approval.
- The funding provided by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 totals $17,075,503 for KCS.
- The general categories of items to be funded include support services, instruction programs, special education programs, vocational education programs, attendance, health services, student supports, support services, transportation, food service, and capital/building improvements.
- After review and discussion the spending plan was approved by a vote of 4-0.
Dr. Rhonda Stringham, Assistant Superintendent - Instruction, presented a proposal regarding use of End-of-Course Exam in the calculation of high school final grades for the Fall 2021 semester.
- Per KCS policy, EOC test scores are to count as 15 percent of a student's final grade. However, this test score may be excluded in the calculation if scores are not received back from the state five days prior to the last instructional day of the semester (December 12, 2021, in the case of the Fall 2021 semester). Scores have not yet been received by KCS.
- Dr. Stringham presented a proposal to exclude the use of EOC scores in the calculation of final grades, per KCS policy. HOWEVER, tonight's proposal is also to allow the use of EOC scores in final grade calculation, once the scores are received, if use of the score resulted in the student receiving a higher grade than if the score was left out.
- After review, the Board approved the proposal by a vote of 4-0.
Dr. Andy True, Assistant Superintendent - Administration, provided a review of several Board Policy actions for consideration:
- 1.700 - School System Goals (REVISED)
- 1.8011 - Emergency Closings (REVISED)
- 2.300 - Comparability of Services (NEW, 1st Reading)
- 5.306 - Military Leave (NEW, 1st Reading)
- 6.300 - Code of Conduct (REVISED)
- 6.306 - Interference/Disruption of Schools Activities (NEW, 1st Reading)
- 6.4081 - Safe Relocation of Students (REVISED)
After review and discussion, the Board voted 4-0 to approved the recommended policy actions.
Mr. David Frye, Chief Finance Officer, presented the recently submitted bids for re-roofing at Dobyns-Bennett High School.
- The low bidder for the project was Morristown Roofing, Inc., submitting a base bid in the amount of $5,131,530 (not including architect fees or contingency costs).
- Mr. Frye recommended approval of the base bid, but to not accept the alternate that would include re-roofing of the CTE and Instrumental Music buildings.
- The scheduled completion date of the project is April 2024.
- After discussion, the bid was approved by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. Frye reviewed a request a request to purchase LED-LCD Tvs for use throughout the district.
- The proposal is to utilize the Sevier County Cooperative Purchasing Agreement to purchase 57 Samsung 69.5" Smart LED-LCD TVs - 4K UHDTV from Central Technologies, Inc.
- The total cost of the technology purchase is $81,168.00, including V7 TV carts, cables, delivery and setup.
- Funds for the purchase will be from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund 2.0.
- After review and discussion, the Board approved the purchase by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. Frye presented a blanket order for substitute staffing services throughout KCS.
- The proposed order is to ESS Southeast to provide substitute teachers in KCS schools.
- The amount of the proposed blanket order is $750,000 for the year beginning January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2022.
- After review, the Board approved the order by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. Frye presented 2021-22 Budget Amendment #3 for consideration.
- The proposed amendment has one item related to Band/Chorus Travel funds, reallocating unused funds from 2020-21 to FY 2021-22.
- After review, the Board approved the Budget Amendment #3 by a vote of 4-0.
Mr. Frye reviewed with the Board the process to be utilized in the development of the KCS 2022-23 Budget.
- The process (click below to view) is projected to conclude with Board of Education approval on May 10, 2022 and review/approval by the Kingsport Board of Mayor and Aldermen in May, 2022.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a regulary monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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