BOE Work Session Notes - March 26, 2019

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a called meeting and work session on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • Called Meeting:
    • Consideration of a revision and extension of the contract of Superintendent Dr. Jeff Moorhouse;
  • Work Session:
    • A review of the Superintendent evaluation process; and 
    • A report on the Portrait of a Graduate work underway throughout KCS.
Work Session Audio
Detailed Called Meeting Notes
As the single agenda item of the called meeting, the Board considered a change of terms and extension of the employment contract of Superintendent Dr. Jeff Moorhouse.
  • Board President Mrs. Carrie Upshaw presented general findings from the recent evaluation process utilized by the Board regarding Dr. Moorhouse.
  • Dr. Moorhouse's initial contract was executed on January 23, 2018.
  • After one year on the job and in response to his recent Board evaluation process, the proposed amendments to Dr. Moorhouse's contract include:
    • Extend the contract to a period of four years, through March 31, 2023.
    • Provide a two percent (2%) increase on the base salary and allowances, plus any cost of living increase that is provided to KCS contract employees.
    • Adjust administrative leave days to 20 for 2019-20, and 25 starting in 2020-2021.   
  • Following consideration and discussion, the Board voted 4-0 (Todd Golden absent) to approve the amendment to Dr. Moorhouse's contract.
Detailed Work Session Notes
Mrs. Upshaw provided an update on the establishment of a revised Superintendent review/evaluation process and timeline.
  • Key components/timelines of the proposed review process include:
    • January - Employee Survey 
      • Odd-numbered years:  Administrative/Cabinet Employees
      • Even-numbered years:  All KCS Employees
    • January - Superintendent Self-Evaluation
    • February - BOE review of surveys and self-evaluation
    • March - Superintendent review and contract adjustments (preferred in even-numbered/non-election years)
    • April - Mini-retreat by Board to set goals for next year
    • June - Superintendent End-of-Year Report
    • September - BOE Retreat (review data, adjust goals, review large items prior to budget process, review evaluation process)
    • November - Superintendent Mid-Year Progress Report 
  • This process will be formalized for inclusion in the KCS Administrative Procedures, with a goal to ratify the process at the April, 2019 BOE meeting.
KCS Assistant Superintendent - Instruction Dr. Rhonda Stringham presented a report on the Portrait of a Graduate (POG) work taking place in KCS.
  • The Portrait of a Graduate is a framework that school administrators, faculty and staff will use as a guide for designing and implementing a challenging, learner-focused curriculum and for preparing students who will engage with, lead in, and impact our world so they can be successful in their future.
  • Essential questions to be asked, answered, and implemented throughout the POG process include:
    • How has the world changed?
    • What skills do our students need?
    • How are we doing with developing those skills?
    • What can we do better?
    • What will change as a result of this process?
    • What is STEM’s role in our future?
  • In today's world, it's not enough to consider what students know, but instead what they can do with what they know.
  • To view Dr. Stringham's full presentation on the Portrait of a Graduate, click the link below:
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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