BOE Work Session Notes - September 25, 2018

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a work session on Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • A review of potential Board Policy revisions for consideration at the October BOE meeting;
  • A report on facility maintenance that has occurred in the past several months; and
  • A review of district data and accountability results from the 2017-18 school year.
Work Session Audio
Detailed Work Session Notes
KCS Assistant Superintendent - Administration Mr. Andy True presented a review of potential policy revisions, based on recommendations from the Tennessee School Boards Association and recent changes to state law and policy.  The Board will consider these potential revisions for a formal vote on first reading at their October Board meeting.
  • 3.212 (New Policy) – District Water Testing. Public Chapter 977 requires every board of education to develop a policy on reducing potential sources of lead contamination in drinking water in public schools. This law goes into effect on January 1, 2019. It requires that all school facilities built before January 1, 1998 be tested at least every two years and contains reporting requirements.
  • 6.2001 (New Policy) – Absence During Postsecondary Visits.  Due to changes to State Board of Education Policy 4.100, the excused absences list in model policy 6.200 has been modified. College visits and school sponsored activities are no longer excused absences, instead those students may now be counted as present. However, to count a student present for missing a school day to take a college visit, State Board of Education Policy 4.100 requires that boards adopt a policy allowing students to participate in these type of visits. New model policy 6.2001 aligns with this new requirement.
  • 1.1061 – Boardsmanship Standards.  Board Policy 1.1061 has been revised to accurately reflect an annual reading of the policy after the election of Board officers (typically at the start of the July BOE meeting), as well as correcting a job title as “Superintendent of Schools,” for consistency.
  • 5.1141 – Teacher Effect Data.  School-level administrative analysis regarding student and teacher data is necessary to create the best environment for success. Board Policy 5.1141 outlines the administrators to which teacher effect data is made available. A revision is requested to include school assistant principals, so that the full administrative team is able to collaborate on such decisions.
  • 6.200 – Attendance.  Due to changes to State Board of Education Policy 4.100, the excused absences list in model policy 6.200 has been modified. College visits and school sponsored activities are no longer excused absences, instead those students may now be counted as present.
KCS Supervisor of Maintenance and Custodial Services Mr. Bill Shedden provided a review of major maintenance and custodial projects that have been completed during the past few months.
  • Capital improvement projects included updates to several cooling towers, replacing piping and boilers, roof work, and a new surface for the Dobyns-Bennett track with electrical upgrades. 
  • More than 5,300 work orders were received during 2016-17 year, with staff completing 96 percent of those work orders.  The majority of work orders were related to issues with doors and locks, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical.
KCS Director of Performance Excellence Mr. Michael Hubbard provided a report on the recently released KCS test data and accountability results from the 2017-18 school year.
  • Kingsport City Schools out-paced the State in all subjects on End-Of-Course (EOC) proficiency results.
  • Dobyns-Bennett High School data results saw a significant jump in Chemistry and also gains in Math. 
  • Grade-level results for Grades 3-5 and Grades 6-8 outranked the State in all subject areas (ELA, Math and Science).
  • KCS EOC state rankings included: 1st in Social Studies, 4th in Science, 6th in Math, and 9th in ELA.
  • KCS has three Rewards Schools - Adams, Jefferson and Johnson Elementary Schools.
  • KCS achieved a TVAAS Overall Composite score of a Level 5 = Most Effective.
  • English III and Chemistry have been eliminated as an EOC Test.
  • Social Studies will not be tested in Grades 3-5 this year due to changes in the state standards.
  • Science and Biology will be field tested this spring due to new standards.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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