BOE Work Session Notes - July 24, 2018

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a work session on Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • A report on school attendance, including changes to Tennessee attendance laws for the 2018-19 school year;
  • An update regarding ongoing school safety work and future plans;
  • A report on the recent International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) conference that recently took place and was attended by KCS administration; and
  • A review of several suggested policy revisions, based on new laws passed during the 2018 Tennessee Legislative session.
Work Session Audio
Detailed Work Session Notes
Chief Student Services Officer Mr. Jim Nash and Coordinator of Attendance Mr. Matthew Smith updated the Board on KCS attendance and changes to Tennessee attendance laws for the 2018-19 school year.
  • The KCS attendance rate for 2017-18 finished at a strong 94.2%.
  • Due to the efforts of teachers and staff, attendance referrals continued to drop in 2017-18, down from 847 in 203-14 to a total of 591 this past year.
  • Recent changes to Tennessee law now require a tiered intervention process to address absences.  Notification to parents will start at three unexcused absences, with more extensive interactions starting by the fifth unexcused absence. 
Mr. Nash and Assistant Superintendent - Administration Mr. Andy True provided an update regarding ongoing safety efforts taking place throughout Kingsport City Schools.
  • Active work has been taking place in conjunction with local and state authorities to evaluate, analyze, and improve school safety environments for KCS students and staff. 
  • Strong partnerships with the Kingsport Police Department and other emergency management personnel have resulted in a deeply comprehensive review of KCS facilities, processes, and procedures.
  • A community safety task force has been in place since early in 2018 with the goals of:
    • Identifying key potential safety incidents.
    • Analyzing the current approach to how KCS addresses such issues.
    • Considering how issues should ideally be addressed before, during, and following crisis incidents.
  • During the summer of 2018, KCS staff and law enforcement and emergency management professionals also completed a safety site assessment for all KCS locations.
    • This assessment will help guide future capital improvement priorities to ensure the safest possible environments for students and staff.
Assistant Superintendent - Instruction Dr. Rhonda Stringham provided a report on the recent International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) conference that took place on June 25-28 in Chicago, IL.
  • Dr. Stringham attended the conference with goals of identifying important technology information, connecting with key technology leaders in education, and better aligning KCS technology goals and philosophies with current opportunities.
  • A variety of key technology trends and resources for schools was reviewed, including keynote speakers and topic-specific sessions.
  • Three key areas of learning included information on augmented and virtual reality, new technology modules in Discovery Ed, and the effective and possible uses of QR codes. 
Mr. True reviewed a variety of potential BOE Policy revisions and additions for Board considerations.
  • 3.600 - Insurance Management (revised)
  • 4.608 - Transcript Alteration (new)
  • 4.700 - Assessment Programs (revised)
  • 5.118 - Background Investigations (revised; recommended for deferral until additional information regarding scope and process can be obtained)
  • 5.305 - Family and Medical Leave (revised)
  • 5.802 - Qualifications and Duties of the Director of Schools (new; recommended to not be pursued, as it is not a policy that is required by law; processes are already followed by KCS)
  • 6.200 - Attendance (revised)
  • 6.309 - Zero Tolerance Offenses (revised)
  • 6.409 - Child Abuse and Neglect
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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