Business Items
KCS Chief Finance Officer Mr. David Frye presented three items for consideration by the Board this evening:
- An amendment to the 2018-19 KCS Budget.
- The amendment would provide funding from the KCS Unreserved Fund Balance to repair the lower portion of the D-B parking lot. The proposed amount of funding, $352,044, would reduce the total amount in the Fund Balance to approximately 6% of the FY19 budget, still well above the state-recommended level of 3%.
- A bid for the repair and paving of the Dobyns-Bennett parking lot.
- The transfer of funds from the Fund Balance would allow for repairs to the lower D-B parking lot adjoining Ft. Henry Drive.
- It is planned that the repairs to the lower lot will coincide with updates to the upper parking lot, which will be completed as a part of the Science and Technology Center construction project.
- The projected timeline of the parking lot improvements run from the last week of May through July 12, with anticipated completion before the start of FunFest.
- The proposed bid for the paving project was submitted by Glass Machinery and Excavation.
- Approval of the 2019-20 KCS Budget.
- Major components of the proposed Budget include:
- A balanced budget with a General Purpose fund amount of $78,386,400.
- Total of all school funds (including School Nutrition, Federal Projects, and School Special Projects) of $88,722,141.
- Considering revenue projections for 2019-20, it is expected that KCS will have approximately $1.6 million additional funding over 2018-19 levels. This will be utilized to fund items such as:
- Step increases for both classified and certified staff (total cost of approx. $730,000).
- A cost of living increase of approx. 0.5% for both certified and classified staff (total of approx. $260,000).
- When adding together the step increase plus cost of living increase, it is estimated that KCS staff will see a salary increase of approximately 2% over 2018-19 levels.
- An additional special education teacher, custodial support for the new D-B Science and Technology Center, and shifting three classroom teaching positions to behavior support teachers at the middle schools and Cora Cox Academy. The proposal includes the reduction of one system-wide administrator and one system-wide support position.
- Other personnel cost increases (including items such as coaching supplement step increases), increases to operations, maintenance and transportation, risk administration, and retirement funding.
- Additional increases to line items based on identified needs and increased costs, including investments into increased mental health services, curriculum and instruction supplies, CTE expenses, student travel, extended contracts, professional development, technology, state-required background checks, a safe schools grant local match, utilities, maintenance expenses, insurance, vehicle expenses, and debt service.
- It is also proposed to purchase one additional regular education school bus utilizing Unreserved Fund Balance funds.
- To view the full Budget presentation, please click the link below.
After review and consideration, the Board voted:
- To approve 2018-19 Budget Amendment #3 by a vote of 4-0 (Golden absent).
- To approve the bid for repairs to the Dobyns-Bennett parking lot by a vote of 4-0.
- To approve the proposed 2019-20 KCS Budget by a vote of 4-0.
The budget will now be presented to the Kingsport Board of Mayor and Aldermen on Thursday, May 9 for review and approval.