BOE Meeting Notes - December 18, 2018

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 18, 2018. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • A performance and report by the Robinson Middle School Honor Choir;
  • Recognition of three KCS students for outstanding artistic and athletic performances;
  • Recognition of KCS custodians for attaining the level of Certified Custodial Technician;
  • Approval to hire two interim teachers;
  • Approval of three Board policies on first reading;
  • Approval of KCS surplus items; 
  • A review of the 2019-20 Budget approval process and timeline; and 
  • A review of the FY 2019 first quarter financial update.
Meeting Audio
Detailed Meeting Notes


The Pledge of Allegiance was led this evening by Johnson Elementary students Kofi and Yaw Boateng.  Kofi is a 5th grader and Yaw is in 1st grade.

Community Interest Report

Mrs. Sandra Kerney, chorus teacher at Robinson Middle School, provided a summary of the work of the Robinson Honor Choir. 
  • The choir is made up of the top RNR vocal students in 7th and 8th grade and has participated in various concerts and competitions in recent months.
  • In addition to Mrs. Kerney's report, several students also shared information about the choir, which performed prior to and during tonight's meeting.


The Board presented four recognitions to students and staff this evening:
  • Mya Summey, Holiday Card Artwork 
    • Each year, the Kingsport City Schools Superintendent's Office selects one piece of student artwork for the front of the annual KCS holiday card. Dr. Jeff Moorhouse presented Miss Summey her original artwork framed, along with ten Christmas Cards for her to keep. Mya is a 5th grader at Kennedy Elementary School.
  • Isabella van der Biest, 2018 Girls TSSAA Large School Girls Golf State Champion
    • Board Vice President Mr. Todd Golden presented Dobyns-Bennett sophomore Isabella van der Biest a certificate of recognition for capturing the Tennessee Large School girls individual state golf championship.  Isabella won her title in September at Willowbrook Golf Club in Manchester, TN.
  • Sasha Neglia, First All-American Cross Country Athlete in D-B History
    • Board Member Mrs. Susan Lodal recognized Dobyns-Bennett High junior Sasha Neglia, who won the Nike Cross Country Nationals Southeast Regional in North Carolina in November. Sasha then ran and finished 15th at the Nike Cross Nationals in Portland, Oregon, earning her the status of All-American.
  • KCS Custodians as Certified Custodial Technicians
    • Board President Mrs. Carrie Upshaw recognized nine KCS custodians on their success and efforts in attaining the Certified Custodial Technicians-Expert Level designation. Those recognized were: Carolyn Falin, Andrea Goad, Dustin Greear, Janet Bright, Vicki Quillen, Scott Thomas, Nolan Hensley, Austin Bowery and Joseph Delp.

Business Items

Pulled from tonight's Consent Agenda, KCS Chief Finance Officer Mr. David Frye reviewed the listing of disposal of surplus equipment submitted for approval.
  • The list contains a variety of items that are generally outdated and no longer used by KCS.  
  • Per usual procedure once approved, the list of materials is transferred to the custody of the city recorder.
  • The list of surplus items was approved by a vote of 3-0.
David Frye and KCS Director of Special Education Mrs. Jacki Wolfe presented a proposal to hire two interim teachers for the spring semester:
  • One special education teacher at Johnson Elementary.
    • Needed due to a substantial increase in student requiring intensive support.
  • One regular education teacher at Adams Elementary.
    • Needed due to increased enrollment.
  • The hiring of two interim educators was approved by a vote of 3-0.
Assistant Superintendent - Administration Mr. Andy True presented one potential new Board policy and two recommended policy revisions to be considered for approval.
  • New Policies:
    • 2.300 - Comparability of Services:  Required policy by law, that districts offer comparable services to schools related to curriculum and personnel.
  • Revised Policies:
    • 4.600 - Grading System:  Give grades 9-12 semester exams a weight of 15% of the semester grade.
    • 4.700 - Assessment Programs:  Count state assessments and EOC results as 15% of a student's spring semester average in grades 3-8 and 15% of a student's final average in high school EOC courses.
  • All three policies were approved on first reading by a vote of 3-0.


Mr. Frye presented a review of the timeline and the process to be used in creating the 2019-20 KCS Budget.
  • Preliminary budget materials will be presented to KCS administrators prior to the beginning of winter break, to allow for initial review.
  • The KCS budget review committee will meet in late January/Early February to hear budget presentations.
  • It is anticipated that a preliminary budget will be presented to the Board for review on April 23, 2019, with formal approval on May 14, 2019.
Mr. Frye presented the First Quarter FY 2018-19 Financial Update for review.
  • As reported in the update, expenditures are in line for this point of the year.  At the current time, it is believed that the budgeted property tax estimate may be higher then actual, but sales tax revenue is currently better than expected.
  • To view Mr. Frye's full update, please click below.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a business meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 6 p.m.  The work session will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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