BOE Work Session Notes - October 22, 2019

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a work session on Tuesday, October 22, 2019. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • A review of potential Board policy revisions; and
  • A Superintendent's report to the Board reviewing recent KCS activities.
Work Session Audio
Detailed Work Session Notes
Andy True, KCS Assistant Superintendent - Administration, presented a review of two potential Board policy revisions.  After initial discussion, the Board requested the following policy revisions:
  • REVISED POLICIES – 1st Reading
    • 1.200 – Internal Organizations
      • Per the wishes of the Board (through discussion at the October BOE retreat), wording has been added to establish election of Board President and Vice President annually at the June Board business meeting. These elected officers will assume their duties on July 1.
    • 6.411 – Student Wellness
      • Upon review, TSBA recommends removing the reference to the three health index modules (pg. 2, lines 32-33). The State Board updated the number of modules to eight. As a result, TSBA recommends revising this language to “on each of the recommended School Health Index modules.”
Additionally, a revision to the KCS Administrative Procedures was reviewed, providing a change to date of the annual Board of Education planning retreat, moving the session from September to August of each year.
The Board was also provided an overview of the online KCS Policy Manual, as a part of the required biennial review.  Per Policy 1.600, the Board is required to renew its policies every two years.
Dr. Moorhouse presented an overview of KCS-related items and activities to the Board in his regular Superintendent's Update.  Items included:
  • A recent nationwide recall of buses (due to the need for additional padding in the back of certain bus seats) will involve twelve KCS buses.  The manufacturer will come on-site to perform the required work.  KCS is not as directly impacted as some districts may be, due to the fact that all KCS buses also have seat belts.  The National Transportation Safety Board notes that there have been zero reported injuries or accidents related to the non-compliance recall.
  • Due to a recent development regarding uncertainty with potential regulatory approval, KCS is not currently moving forward with further engineering studies on a potential solar energy project.  The district will wait until further clarity is provided before additional decisions are considered.
  • Multiple D-B students are currently continuing their tournament championship journeys.  D-B volleyball and girls soccer are in competition this evening.  The D-B football team will take an 8-0 record into this Friday's home contest against Science Hill.  The D-B Band concludes it's competition season this weekend at the Bands of America Virginia Regional Championship in Lynchburg, VA.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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