BOE Meeting Notes - May 12, 2020

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 via zoom teleconference.  Several key items were discussed, including:
  • Approval of English Language Arts resources;
  • Review and approval of a teacher salary scale to be utilized in 2020-21;
  • Approval of a bid to provide bread items for school nutrition in 2020-21;
  • Approval of architectural professional services agreements for renovations at Sevier Middle School (to be converted to a KCS elementary school), the current Sullivan North High School (to be converted to a KCS middle school), and Dobyns-Bennett High School;
  • Approval of a bid to purchase a new school bus;
  • Review and approval of 2019-20 Budget Amendment #4;
  • Review and approval of the 2020-21 KCS Budget; and
  • Review and approval of a resolution authorizing the Board to waive certain policies due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meeting Audio
Detailed Meeting Notes


The Pledge of Allegiance was led this evening by Andy True, Assistant Superintendent- Administration.   
The Board voted to approve the determination that it was necessary to hold tonight's meeting electronically to protect the health, safety, and welfare of participants and observers.

business items

Dr. Rhonda Stringham, Assistant Superintendent - Instruction, Dr. Lamar Smith, Supervisor of Federal Programs, and Emily Helphinstine, Coordinator of Literacy Programs presented a review and proposal regarding approval of English Language Arts resources.
  • The recommendation of the KCS Textbook Adoption Committee is to approve resources from:
    • K-5:  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • 6-8:  McGraw-Hill
    • 9-12:  The College Board- Springboard 
  • After review, the Board voted to approve the ELA resources by a vote of 5-0.
Jennifer Guthrie, Chief Human Resource Officer, and David Frye, Chief Finance Officer, presented a 2020-21 teacher salary scale for review and approval.
  • During the 2019-20 school year, the KCS Compensation Committee (made up of KCS teachers and administrators) has been reviewing a variety of issues and considerations with the goal of utilizing a multi-lane salary scale for the 2020-21 school year.  This scale would shift KCS teachers off of the single-lane scale that has been in use since the 2014-15 school year.
  • Components of the new/proposed scale reflect the recommendations from the committee, including the desire to move toward alignment of years-of-experience with step levels (may take multiple years to fully achieve) and removing student assessment data from salary considerations.
  • After discussion and consideration, the Board approved the 2020-21 Teacher Salary Scale by a vote of 4-1.
    • Utilizing a communication plan and the input from the compensation committee, KCS staff will provide additional details on how teachers will be slotted onto the new scale.  While some teachers will be able to shift onto the new scale directly at the step that reflects her/his years-of-experience (based on their 2019-20 salary amount), others will have to utilize a multi-year process to transition to the step that matches their years-of-experience.  No teacher will see a decrease in her/his current salary to accomplish this desired alignment.  More information will be forthcoming from the KCS HR and Finance departments.
Mr. Frye presented a proposed bid for consideration, regarding the supply of bread items for KCS School Nutrition during the 2020-21 school year.
  • The recommended bid from Bimbo Bakeries USA would provide a continuous supply of bread items from July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021 and includes an option to renew the agreement for up to three additional years, in one year increments, provided the pricing and quality of services are acceptable.
  • Bimbo Bakeries is the current vendor providing bread to KCS and is satisfactorily meeting the terms of the current contract.
  • The Board approved the bid by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Frye presented an Architectural Professional Services agreements for for renovations at Sevier Middle School, the current Sullivan North High School, and Dobyns-Bennett High School for review and approval.
  • The agreement outlines the proposal to provide scope and budget development in planning for the transition of Sullivan North to a KCS middle school, for Sevier to a KCS elementary school, and for renovations at Dobyns-Bennett.
  • The approvals would enter KCS into professional services agreements with:
    • Cain Rash West (Sevier Middle School and Sullivan North renovations).
    • BLS Thompson & Litton (Dobyns-Bennett renovations).
  • After review and consideration, the Board agreed the agreement by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Frye reviewed bid information regarding the purchase of a new 72-passenger school bus.
  • At a cost of $107,248, the bid includes the purchase price and recording system from Central States Bus Sales.
  • The Board approved the recommendation to purchase the bus by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Frye presented 2019-20 Budget Amendment #4 for review and approval by the Board.
  • The amendment includes budget revisions regarding revenues and expenses from the General Purpose School Fund, School Nutrition Fund, Federal Projects Fund, and School Special Projects Fund.
  • Click below to view the full budget amendment.
  • After review, the Board approved the amendment by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. Frye presented the proposed 2020-21 KCS Budget for consideration.
  • The General Purpose School Fund Budget totals $80,123,500 for the 2020-21 school year.
    • Including the School Nutrition Fund, Federal Projects Fund, and School Special Projects Fund, the total KCS Budget for 2020-21 is $90,270,503.
  • Click below to see Mr. Frye's full Budget presentation.
  • Salary considerations for KCS employees include:
    • Classified employees will receive their scheduled annual step increases.
    • Certified employees will receive pay increases associated with the implementation of the new teacher pay scale.
    • The FY 2020-21 budget does not include a cost of living adjustment for any employees.
  • After a full review, the Board approved the Budget by a vote of 5-0.
  • The Budget will now go before the Kingsport Board of Mayor and Aldermen on May 14, 2020 for review.
Andy True, Assistant Superintendent - Administration, presented a proposed resolution regarding the waiver of certain Board policies due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
  • Boards of Education are allowed to suspend certain policies based on state law and the state board of education during the 2019-20 school year, based on actions due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
  • The proposed resolution reflects the model resolution created by the Tennessee School Boards Association, with local additions based on KCS-specific policies. 
  • After review, the Board approved the resolution by a vote of 5-0.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a work session on Tuesday, May 26, 2019 at 6 p.m.  
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