The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2019. Several key items were discussed, including:
- A report on the Roosevelt Elementary Fresh Start program;
- Recognition of National Merit Commended Students from Dobyns-Bennett;
- Recognition of National Merit Semi-Finalists from Dobyns-Bennett;
- Consideration to proceed with further engineering studies related to a solar electricity project;
- Approval by the Board of the City of Kingsport Americans with Disabilities Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan;
- Approval of the 2020-21 KCS School Calendar;
- Approval of fiscal and health/wellness policies on first reading; and
- Review of a quarterly financial update and audit report.
Community Interest Report
A report was presented to the Board tonight reviewing the Fresh Start Morning Club at Roosevelt Elementary School.
- The report, presented by Roosevelt staff members Alice Browder, Christy Elliott, Megan Turner, and Tonya Warner, described how the club serves Roosevelt students and helps them start their day in more positive light.
- The club provides students the opportunity to start each day fresh by having time before school to do things like finish homework, read, freshen up, or even have hair braided.
- Serving approximately 25 students each morning, the Fresh Start Club is an innovative and student-focused way to help children set a positive tone for their entire day.
Andy True, KCS Assistant Superintendent - Administration, and Mike Billingsley, Kingsport City Attorney, presented the City of Kingsport 2019 Americans with Disabilities Act Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan for approval.
- The plan, as required by law, outlines the steps taken to analyze and plan for physical and program improvements necessary for Kingsport to meet ADA requirements.
- As a department of the City of Kingsport, KCS has been an integral part of the plan development and has its own segment of program and physical needs. As such, it is included as a part of the city's ADA plan.
- As there are financial needs that will be required to complete the work necessary to bring KCS facilities and programs up to ADA code, the Board needs to review and approve the overall City plan.
- Over a 10-year budgeted implementation period, the improvements are expected to cost KCS a total of approximately $1,750,000.
- After review and discussion, the Board approved the report by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. True presented a proposed 2020-2021 KCS Calendar for review by the Board.
- The proposed calendar is similar to the calendar implemented in previous years and includes:
- Student Start Date: August 3, 2020
- Fall Break: October 12 - 16, 2020
- Thanksgiving Break: November 25-27, 2020
- Winter Break: December 21, 2020 - January 1, 2021
- 2nd Semester Student Start Date: January 5, 2021
- Spring Break: March 29 - April 2, 2021
- Graduation Day: May 22, 2021
- After discussion and review, the Board approved the 2020-21 KCS Calendar and Designated Holiday Schedule for 12-month employees by a vote of 5-0.
Mr. True presented potential policy additions and revisions, to be considered on First Reading. The policies address a variety of health/wellness and fiscal needs.
- Health/Wellness Policies considered on 1st Reading:
- 6.411 – Student Wellness (Revised)
- Adds federal USDA requirement of a Wellness Plan review every three years.
- Fiscal Policies considered on 1st Reading (Per the guidance of the Federal Programs monitor, several policies are highly recommended for adoption in response to the most recent federal programs audit. These relate to fiscal operations that are required by federal policy or procedure, but do not currently exist in KCS Board Policy.):
- 2.200 – Annual Operating Budget (New)
- Places in policy requirements for the Budget preparation process, review, and adoption procedure.
- 2.201 – Annual Operating Budget (New)
- Establishes authority for approving transfer of funds between Budget line items.
- 2.403 – Surplus Property Sales (New)
- Outlines procedures and requirements related to the disposition of surplus items.
- 2.702 – Inventories (New)
- Establishes procedures and requirements related to inventory of equipment and property procured with federal funds.
- 2.808 – Purchase Orders and Contracts (New)
- Establishes requirements related to purchase order and contract essential elements.
- 5.601 – Conflict of Interest (New)
- Sets parameters for the definition of conflict of interest for staff related to financial interests and scope of work.
- Following discussion and review, the Board approved the policies by a vote of 5-0.
The next meeting of the Board of Education will be a work session on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 at 6 p.m. The work session will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).