BOE Work Session Notes - August 27, 2019

The Kingsport City Schools Board of Education held a work session on Tuesday, August 27, 2019. Several key items were discussed, including:
  • A report regarding potential lighting and solar projects for KCS;
  • A review of recently released assessment data and accountability results; and 
  • An overview of potential Board policy revisions based on changes to State law and State Board of Education policies.
Work Session Audio
Detailed Work Session Notes
Representatives from Ameresco, an independent provider of comprehensive energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions, presented a review of the company's findings from the completion of its 30% energy assessment of KCS.
  • The update included a report on the enginerring design work that has been completed, where Ameresco has identified potential financial value for KCS, and potential next steps.
  • After reviewing the information provided at tonight's work session, the Board will consider whether to proceed with further engineering-level assessments at its September meeting.
Michael Hubbard, KCS Director of Performance Excellence, provided a review of the district's assessment data and accountability results for 2018-19.
  • The information included both longitudinal proficiency percentages and highlights, TVAAS growth scores, and specifics related to school and district accountability.
  • KCS saw increases in Grade 3-8 proficiency rates in English/Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies over 2018 results.
  • As a district, KCS received an overall score of 5 (out of 5) in TVAAS growth scores, as well as a 5 in Literacy, Numeracy, Literacy and Numeracy, and Social Studies.
    • Note that Science was a state-level field test last spring; therefore, no results were shared or reported.
  • As a district, KCS received the designation of "Advancing," with six individual schools designated as "Reward Schools" for 2019 (Dobyns-Bennett High School and Jefferson, Johnson, Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Washington Elementary Schools).
Andy True, Assistant Superintendent - Administration, presented several Policies for review and potential revision at the September meeting.  This month's presentation covers revisions necessary due to changes in State law or Board of Education policies.
  • 3.202 – Emergency Preparedness Plan (Revised)
    • State law previously only required high schools to maintain AEDs. Public Chapter 391 expands this requirement to all schools. Policy wording has been revised to reflect this change.
  • 4.605 – Graduation Requirements (Revised)
    • State law previously only required students to take a civics exam before graduating high school. Now, Public Chapter 442 requires that students pass this exam in order to graduate. Policy wording has been revised to reflect this change.
  • 4.700 – Assessment Programs (Revised)
    • Public Chapter 108 requires LEAs to make interest inventories available to students in either middle school or ninth grade. It also requires LEAs to administer a career aptitude assessment to students in grades seven or eight. Policy wording has been added to include these requirements.
  • 5.200 – Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers (Revised)
    • Public Chapter 248 is an extensive cleanup bill impacting policies 5.200, 5.201, and 5.305. It changes where reports of teacher breach of contract must be reported (5.200/5.201 - These reports were previously sent to the Commissioner of Education, but they are now required to be submitted to the State Board of Education) and clarifies the way leave may be used (5.305 – Employees may use sick or annual leave for paternity as well as maternity leave).
  • 5.201 – Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers (Revised)
    • Public Chapter 248 is an extensive cleanup bill impacting policies 5.200, 5.201, and 5.305. It changes where reports of teacher breach of contract must be reported (5.200/5.201 - These reports were previously sent to the Commissioner of Education, but they are now required to be submitted to the State Board of Education) and clarifies the way leave may be used (5.305 – Employees may use sick or annual leave for paternity as well as maternity leave).
  • 5.305 – Family and Medical Leave (Revised)
    • Public Chapter 248 is an extensive cleanup bill impacting policies 5.200, 5.201, and 5.305. It changes where reports of teacher breach of contract must be reported (5.200/5.201 - These reports were previously sent to the Commissioner of Education, but they are now required to be submitted to the State Board of Education) and clarifies the way leave may be used (5.305 – Employees may use sick or annual leave for paternity as well as maternity leave).
  • 6.200 – Attendance (Revised)
    • Section titled “Military Service of Parent/Guardian” has been removed and relocated to NEW POLICY 6.506 – Students from Military Families.
  • 6.308 – Bus Safety and Conduct (New)
    • Public Chapter 256 only applies to LEAs that maintain cameras on their school buses. It requires those boards to adopt a policy that establishes a process to allow parents to view photographs or video footage collected from cameras on school buses. The new law also requires the policy to contain provisions on who will supervise the parents while they view the surveillance footage and how long the photographs or video footage will be maintained by the LEA.
  • 6.506 – Students from Military Families (New)
    • New policy to house various provisions that apply to students from military families. The provision on excused absences due to military service of the parent/guardian from 6.200 is now located in this new policy. Additionally, a new provision was reacted based on Public Chapter 138. This new law requires boards to allow students that do not currently reside in the school district to enroll there provided: (1) the student is the dependent child of a service member who is being relocated on military orders and will be a resident of the school district; and (2) the service member provides documentation of these military orders. It also requires each board to establish, via policy, the amount of time within which these students must provide proof of residency.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 6 p.m.  The meeting will take place in the Tennessee Room of the Administrative Support Center (400 Clinchfield Street).
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