Dobyns-Bennett High School - Pool Improvements

  • Description:   Perform upgrades and improvements to the Dobyns-Bennett pool and pool area, including:
    • Replace HVAC system
    • Replace pool filtering system
    • Renovate/Repair pool deck, diving boards, and starting blocks
  • Bid Opening Date:  December 6, 2022
  • Date BOE Approved:  December 13, 2022
  • Approved Project Cost:  $2,525,990
  • Funding Source:  ESSER; Dobyns-Bennett Renovation Project GP2111
  • Contractor:  Preston Construction Company
  • Anticipated Completion Date:  Fall 2023
  • Approval Documentation

project update

12/1/23:  Pool occupancy complete.  Awaiting final technology cabling and minor needed adjustments to identified maintenance items.
9/29/23:  Remaining items ("punch list") identified for final completion.
9/19/23: Final stages of HVAC, pool equipment, pool lining underway.  Project nearing completion.
4/28/23: The pool has been drained and the pool deck has been cleared and prepped for work.  A platform has been constructed in the pool itself, providing a stable surface to reach the ceiling area.