Lincoln Elementary School - HVAC Replacement

  • Description:  Replacement of HVAC units in classrooms and common areas of Lincoln Elementary School.  Replaces all units, as they are approaching their end-of-life. 
  • Bid Opening Date:  October 18, 2023
  • Date BOE Approved:  November 14, 2022
  • Approved Project Cost:  $3,277,457
  • Funding Source:  General Project Fund
  • Contractor:  HVAC, Inc.
  • Anticipated Completion Date:  Summer 2024
  • Approval Documentation

project update

8/15/24:  Project substantially complete.  Addressing individual issues if/as they arise.  Addressing punch list items.
7/12/24:  Installation ongoing with air restoration expected prior to the start of school.  Progress schedule indicates completion of 100 and 200 wings beginning of week of 7/15; 300 and 400 wings by end of week of 7/15.  General contractor indicates HVAC work on-schedule and restart prior to teachers returning to building. 
5/30/24:  Workload volume increasing due do building being empty for summer vacation.  Demolition of old units underway.  
5/17/24:  Acceleration of installation process to occur once school lets out for the summer.
4/19/24:  Equipment has arrived on-site.  Contractor is working with school administration and staff to finalize installation schedule that will be the lease disruptive to school operations.
3/22/24:  Ongoing site prep work taking place in advance of equipment arrival.  Initial HVAC equipment arrival scheduled for arrival in the next two weeks.  Anticipated first installations to take place in mid-April.  Initial installation schedule established with contractor and school administration.
3/15/24:  Scheduling of construction plan underway, identifying expected dates for HVAC replacement in specific rooms/locations.  Currently awaiting arrival of HVAC equipment.
2/29/24:  HVAC equipment ordered and awaiting arrival.  Expected to occur near Spring Break.
12/18/23:  Pre-construction meeting with contractor has taken place, outlining the general project approach and to ensure procedural steps are understood and underway.  Materials and equipment will be ordered, with construction beginning once delivery occurs.  Initial work pre-delivery will take place as able. 

project Photos